I just tried to take some pictures of the blood red sun outside my kitchen window and none of the them are capturing the eeriness of the sight.
The sky is filled with haze, and other than the brownish tinge to it, it reminds me of the foggy days growing up in San Francisco.
Only the skies over the Sacramento area are generally bright blue. It looks like winter outside.
And it smells like a thousand ash trays were thrown into the BBQ and cooked right in front of your captive nostrils.
What experts are calling "unprecedented" lightning storms are the culprits in the more than 800 fires burning throughout the Golden State, all but a couple in the northern part of the state. Imagine--more than 5,000 lightning strikes!
The smell of the smoke on your clothes and in your car and house are minor inconveniences compared to the terrible (dangerous in some parts) toll they can take on your breathing. In some areas, people with weakened immunity and breathing conditions are advised to stay inside if possible.
Two of the biggest fires are within two hours of us but you wouldn't know it looking out the window. I can't imagine being at ground zero at any of these fires if it looks like this here.
Thousands of acres continue to burn and firefighters have been injured.
It's all an awesome and humbling and frightening reminder of the power of nature and how little we become when viewed against its immense backdrop.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Fiery California
Posted by
Spencer Hughes
7:02 AM
Monday, June 16, 2008
Motivational Monday: S'mores Galore In Spite of Gas Prices!
No, I didn't fall off the face of the earth. Although taking a week off in radio is the equivalent of 2 months in most other occupations. It seems like I have been gone longer.
Maybe that's because we traded in the 4 bathrooms at home for a bathroom down the flashlight lit path of a campsite.
Now all you avid campers don't need to get too excited. I didn't camp in a tent or anything. I still hold an aversion to the thought of sleeping on rocks and having little critters sneaking a peak through or under some pretty thin looking material.
Yes, I still like the idea of giving a bear or a raccoon a few extra layers of wood to have to tear through to get to me.
Anyway, we packed up the kids, 2 cars, a million dollars worth of fuel, and enough Capri Suns to quench the thirst of a thousand. And we headed for the great outdoors. 5 days in a two room cabin less than a mile from the beautiful California coast (http://koa.com/where/ca/05113/).
In the first 10 minutes we were there, we almost started another California wildfire. My wife hooked up the propane tank incorrectly and when she went to light it...ZOINKS!!
I wish I hadn't been panicking so much because it would have been cool to have run and grabbed my camera for pictures. The flames were two feet high on the picnic table and the look on my face was worth the price of admission.
After a few moments of smashing the table with a box, the flames were out and the rest of the trip was all down hill from there.
We didn't exactly rough it THAT much. My wife and kids brought their Nintendo DS's and we DID order pizza one night. HAHAHA. Ordering pizza when you go camping! Now that's MY kind of camping!! Not being too far for the pizza guy to come find you in the woods!
That might actually be my prerequisite from now on. That we have to be within delivery distance of a pizza place!
Even though we packed all the food away at night, our neighbors didn't and the raccoons and skunks paid us nightly visits. I tried to scare three skunks away and they looked at me like, "Yeah. Right. We've tipped over GARBAGE CANS bigger than you, Bud."
Our adventures ranged from swimming in the pool to spending a day at the world renowned Monterey Bay Aquarium, right on John Steinbeck's Cannery Row. Check them out at http://www.mbayaq.org/. Where else can you touch a Bat Ray and pass by historical fish canning factories made famous by one of America's best authors all in the same hour?
We also visited one of the quirkiest places in America...the Mystery Spot in the redwood forests outside Santa Cruz (http://www.mysteryspot.com/). This place is WILD. Everything you know about the laws of gravity and physics will come into doubt. I saw things with my own eyes that STILL make my head hurt.
Our final big excursion was any train lover's heaven...the Roaring Camp Railroads in Felton, California (http://www.roaringcamp.com/). We rode a narrow gauge steam train through thousands of ancient redwoods. It was amazing to think that such a memorable outing could be had in less than 90 minutes.
Nights ranged from warm to freezing cold and always ended with a roaring fire and plenty of s'mores and fun times.
Why is all this a Motivational Monday blog topic? Because it would have really been easy to cancel the whole vacation and blame the mind boggling price of gas for putting a damper on our plans.
But we compromised is all. Instead of a vacation further away and perhaps involving hotels and eating out a lot, we rented a rustic cabin less than 4 hours away from home and kept the amenities to a minimum.
We WERE able to swing it. We just had to make the proper CHOICES to make it happen.
Cut here and there, make a few sacrifices, and you won't have to cancel that family vacation after all. Defy the headlines and the doom and gloom! Go for it!!
Oh and here is a funny close to today's blog. Thursday night, I accidentally left out a hot dog grill basket on top of the campsite's BBQ pit. The next morning it was gone.
I mean ALL gone. Not just the hot dogs, but the GRILL BASKET, too.
It makes me smile to think somewhere there's a raccoon nest stacked to the ceiling with the wares of careless campers.
Maybe they can sell all the camping gear and buy enough gas to leave the woods and visit the city.
I will leave you with Spencer's Camping Tips:
1) Always have at least a wood wall separating you and the wildlife. Tents are for people with death wishes.
2) Screw the propane tank on correctly or you could end up looking like Wile E. Coyote after a bad run in with the Road Runner.
3) There is no such thing as too many showers when you are in a cabin with 6 kids.
4) It's not smart to yell at a skunk when its tail is up to the sky.
5) Make sure everybody hears you when you say "Last call for the bathroom!"
6) Fun is right in front of you, if you aren't afraid to look.
Posted by
Spencer Hughes
7:26 AM
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Does Anyone Read Manuals Anymore?
I worked retail for several years and although I didn't work directly in the Returns Department, I know from experience the amount of products that come back because they don't work.
Or should I say, because they ALLEGEDLY don't work?
An article I read this week from Engadget.com claims that gizmos and gadgets aren't as messed up and poorly made as we might think.
According to a study done by Accenture, a whopping 95% of gadgets work despite what customers claim!
That reminds me of the customer service lore about the technician telling the computer owner to close Windows only to have the person put the phone down and close every window in the house. Even if that story is exaggerated, it may hold more truth than we'd like to admit.
People just don't read manuals anymore. We're too smart for those, right? We KNOW how that DVD player or remote controlled airplane works. The manual is for OTHER people. The dumb ones, right?
Next time that toaster doesn't work or your cell phone insists on alerting you to new texts with "Funky Town", try flipping through the manual and seeing what's up.
Chances are it's user error. And you, I am afraid, are the user. I am, too. We ALL are!
And remember this sobering statistic. Out of the nearly $14 billion worth of returned products last year, only 5% were truly broken.
And now if you'll excuse me. The microwave is blinking 12:00 and I need to figure out if that has anything to do with the fact that my popcorn comes out tasting like tri-tip. I think the manual is in the drawer next to my broken watch.
Posted by
Spencer Hughes
5:19 AM
Monday, June 2, 2008
Motivational Monday: Let Nothing Stop You!
Monday is the hardest day of the week for many people. But only because so many people unfortunately are clocking into jobs that they simply tolerate or downright despise.
We all need something to pump us up, a morale booster that will set us off on the right course for the days ahead.
And that is what I hope the story of Nick Santonastasso will do for you.
Nick is 12-years-old.
But unlike us, he was born with a rare disorder that affects only 11 other people on earth.
So Nick was born with no legs and only one arm with a single finger attached at the end of it.
His parents could have fallen into a depression as many parents would have under such stark adversity.
But they didn't. They decided they would not treat their son differently. And that decision has paid off beautifully all these years later.
Nick, himself, could have fallen into a deep depression, too. Imagine facing life as difficult as it can be...and without three of your limbs.
Most of us would be tempted to curse God and the universe and collapse deep within ourselves.
But Nick was raised that "anything's possible" and he has lived that mindset. He has played football and baseball. He can do a headstand on a skateboard. He can type on a computer and even play the drums.
And he even helps in the kitchen!
How many of YOUR kids help in the kitchen?? How many of US wake up with the love for life that Nick does??
The answer is: not enough, unfortunately.
Our excuses? I'm too poor. Too overweight. I'm not pretty enough. Smart enough. That stuff happens for OTHER people, but never for me. I'll take the chance later...just not today.
Unlike us, Nick has REAL excuses if he wanted to use them. Hmmm. I can't play baseball because I HAVE NO LEGS AND ONLY ONE ARM AND ONE FINGER!!
Shouldn't we feel a little silly now when we come up with our endless excuses each day? Hasn't Nick taught us that we should get off our unmotivated behinds and DO SOMETHING!! Take action!! And do it NOW!!
Ever see severely handicapped people with GIANT smiles? Ever stop and wonder sometimes how it is that someone facing such enormous adversity could find the will to be HAPPY??
Shame on us. They are happier than we are, really, even as we run around with two healthy legs. Why? Because they believe in themselves ultimately more than we believe in ourselves. They are at peace with life, something most of us only strive for but rarely achieve on any given day.
Nick recently entered an art contest for which he drew a large tree. "The roots of a family are..." were written above the tree. And below the tree?
The one simple word that makes everything possible. Love of family. Love of life. Love in the belief that anything's possible.
Because as young Nick has proven to all of us, it really is true.
Next time the kids or your spouse of a friend complain about something, share with them the story of Nick Santonstasso. They should stop the complaining very, very quickly.
Life is what you make of it. So make it EXTRAORDINARY!
Posted by
Spencer Hughes
5:05 AM