I can't believe the level of anxiety surrounding the next several days. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, which has sadly become a day filled with stress, congested freeways, delayed flights, and sold-out cranberries and stuffing.
If only everyone didn't celebrate it on the same day!
HEY!! What a GREAT idea!
My family actually celebrated Thanksgiving this past Saturday. We had all the kids together. My parents were able to attend. It was very nice.
And relatively stress free.
After all, I wasn't competing with a zillion people for our 22 pound bird. The aisles were overflowing with cans of pumpkin and evaporated milk. For the first time in a long time--maybe EVER--I did not have to go to backup stores for sold out menu ingredients.
The parking lot was empty. The streets and highways were empty as well.
We celebrated early because we had all the family together on Saturday and we knew we wouldn't on Thanksgiving itself.
But why don't families do this ANYWAY?? Does Thanksgiving really HAVE to be on fourth Thursday of November?
Imagine if all those people at the airport spread their flights out over a week or so!
It's probably too late for you this year, but it's something to consider for 2008. Having your feast and giving your thanks within a week of the "official" Thanksgiving isn't going to kill anyone.
I am sure the relatives will swoon over your grandmother's dressing no matter when they enjoy it.
And remember this--the turkey doesn't care when you eat it.
So I will think of all of you tomorrow and how most of you will be stressing to get to the in-laws on time or whether or not the store has another bag of potatoes or how anyone will make it when a tanker truck overturned on the highway.
Have a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving this year, whenever you have it. And don't forget to remember and be thankful for all those things we all tend to take for granted. God, family, friends, country, health, and World of Warcraft.
And now if you'll excuse me, I have some left over dressing that has my name on it.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
The Turkey Doesn't Care When You Eat It
Posted by
Spencer Hughes
8:36 AM