I don't like pit bulls. I just don't. There, I said it. AGAIN.
Of all the breeds of dog out there, it has always baffled me why someone would want a pit bull.
But when you combine pit bulls with small children, it is--in my opinion--a recipe for disaster. Regardless of its breed, however, once an animal maliciously bites a human it should be put down. I don't care if it's a chihuahua or a St. Bernard.
"Oh but the dog was so peaceful before she ripped my arm off!" or "It never hurt a flea until it killed Mrs. Davidson next door!" is what we usually hear from the seemingly baffled owners of dogs that attack.
I have seen my fair share of maddening "My dog isn't awful for mauling them" stories, but I think the following one out of Australia beats them all by a long shot.
Imagine having your two-year-old child attacked by the family dog. Imagine your little one's face chewed up. Imagine your child covered in blood and screaming for his life. Imagine being told that you are lucky that your child didn't lose his vision from such an attack.
Feel these emotions for a second. Is your heart beating? Are you filled with panic, rage, and visions of taking the dog out back?
Okay. Now imagine blaming the CHILD for the incident and vowing to keep the dog on top of that! Does this match the feelings you had a moment ago? Me neither.
But that's what Alicia Cottier has done.
According to this Mother of the Year, it's the toddler's fault for playing with the doggie's ears and ticking it off.
After all, she DID warn Noah to stop doing it or Cassey might get mad! Apparently the dog usually just walks away when annoyed. But not this time. "This time she snapped at him and has bitten him on the face," Cottier remarks.
Authorities insist the child is lucky to be in such good shape, considering the size of the mastiff-staffordshire cross.
"It's not like the dog picked him up and shook him or anything, she just snapped at him for pulling on her ears," Cottier says.
What she left out is that the "snap" has probably left her son disfigured for the rest of his life.
Paramedics from the rescue helicopter called Noah "the luckiest boy alive". I disagree.
I think the luckiest boy alive would have a mom who cared for him more than a mongrel of a dog. The luckiest boy alive wouldn't have been covered in blood, screaming for his life, and airlifted to a hospital to save his life.
Of course, what the paramedics meant was that he was lucky to BE alive. And they are right.
Let's just hope dear, darling Cassey doesn't "snap" again. Maybe this two-year-old has learned his lesson. Because his mother clearly hasn't.
Things are a little different in Australia. No charges are being filed because the incident happened at the family's home. Nice! So if daddy wants to beat the tar out of mommy, is it okay because it happened at the family's home? Incest? Molestation? Rape? Police don't have jurisdiction in family homes?
In a sane world, this child would be removed from the home. Not because the dog attacked him. But because of his mother's lax attitude about the attack. In America, it's called failure to protect. Kids are removed from homes in California (my home) for far less serious things all the time.
There should be no choice about the dog's fate, either. It should be immediately put down. No questions asked.
Hey, in case Noah's mom is reading this, I have a great idea for a Christmas gift for Cassey this year. A dingo!! It's a much more suitable playmate than a two-year-old boy.
Just don't pull its ears, mommy!
Wait...on second thought...
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Nice Doggie!
Posted by
Spencer Hughes
8:39 AM