Only in San Francisco would people hold a candlelight vigil for a tiger that mauled three people, one of them to death. And only papers like the San Francisco Chronicle would run the story on the FRONT PAGE, even though only FOUR people showed up.
That's right. FOUR.
The excuse is, of course, that more people would have showed up if it hadn't been on New Year's Day. So...Why HOLD it on New Year's Day??
One tiger loving San Franciscan said that her death was wrong in so many ways. Maybe the cops, reacting within life or death split seconds, should have shot at the tiger's knees or used rubber bullets or thrown a net over her. Or maybe once the tiger was loose, the only humane thing would have been to let it run loose until it was finished mauling people and then ship it back to the wild.
Even at the Zoo itself, people left flowers and cards (for an ANIMAL!) at a bronze statue of a tiger.
Sure, it's sad when a majestic beast like this dies. But it's not sad in the same way as when your grandmother dies or when your father gets killed at the ATM pulling out Christmas present money.
It all boils down to this...the animal HAD to die in this incident. There was no time to respond with tranquilizers or animal psychologists. There was not enough time to call Animal Planet and get their guidance.
It's hard enough to be a cop in San Francisco and chase after the two legged bad guys. Imagine facing--in the DARK--a 350 pound tiger.
Maybe people should hold a bonfire for the San Francisco Police officers who ended the chaotic nightmare.
Nah. Not in San Francisco.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Only In San Francisco
Posted by
Spencer Hughes
6:21 AM